Wednesday, August 19, 2015

'Splendid Politics' Episode 38 Recap & Review

Splendid Politics Hwajung episode episode 38 review recap Cha Seung Won Gwanghae Lee Yeon Hee Jungmyung Seo Kang Joon Hong Joo Won Kang In Woo Han Joo Wan Yi Ja kyung Gong Myeong Kang Joo Sun Jo Sung Ha Hawgidogam Queen Inmok Shin Eun Jung Injo Prince Neungyang Kim Jae Won Jo Yeo Jung Kim Min Seo Kim Ja Jeom Jo Min Ki Choi Myeong Gil Im Ho Eun Seul Hyun Seung Min Yi Won Ik Kim Chang Wan
Hong Joo Won (Seo Kang Joon) and the firing squad fight against the rebel army and withstand the attack to hold the strength loss of frontier guards to a minimum until Kang In Woo (Han Joo Wan) and the government troops enter the palace.

Splendid Politics Hwajung episode episode 38 review recap Cha Seung Won Gwanghae Lee Yeon Hee Jungmyung Seo Kang Joon Hong Joo Won Kang In Woo Han Joo Wan Yi Ja kyung Gong Myeong Kang Joo Sun Jo Sung Ha Hawgidogam Queen Inmok Shin Eun Jung Injo Prince Neungyang Kim Jae Won Jo Yeo Jung Kim Min Seo Kim Ja Jeom Jo Min Ki Choi Myeong Gil Im Ho Eun Seul Hyun Seung Min Yi Won Ik Kim Chang Wan
In Woo extricates Princess Jeongmyeong (Lee Yeon Hee) from dangers very timely and Yi Gwal is finally killed by his subordinates.

Splendid Politics Hwajung episode episode 38 review recap Cha Seung Won Gwanghae Lee Yeon Hee Jungmyung Seo Kang Joon Hong Joo Won Kang In Woo Han Joo Wan Yi Ja kyung Gong Myeong Kang Joo Sun Jo Sung Ha Hawgidogam Queen Inmok Shin Eun Jung Injo Prince Neungyang Kim Jae Won Jo Yeo Jung Kim Min Seo Kim Ja Jeom Jo Min Ki Choi Myeong Gil Im Ho Eun Seul Hyun Seung Min Yi Won Ik Kim Chang Wan
King Injo (Kim Jae Won) comes back shaming himself acting cowardly in a dangerous situation and Queen Inmok (Shin Eun Jung) gives a scornful look to the incompetent King. Injo makes a firm determination to be a gracious king who will be greatly admired by all the people in the country. 

Splendid Politics Hwajung episode episode 38 review recap Cha Seung Won Gwanghae Lee Yeon Hee Jungmyung Seo Kang Joon Hong Joo Won Kang In Woo Han Joo Wan Yi Ja kyung Gong Myeong Kang Joo Sun Jo Sung Ha Hawgidogam Queen Inmok Shin Eun Jung Injo Prince Neungyang Kim Jae Won Jo Yeo Jung Kim Min Seo Kim Ja Jeom Jo Min Ki Choi Myeong Gil Im Ho Eun Seul Hyun Seung Min Yi Won Ik Kim Chang Wan
The powerful try to paper over their faults and blame others as they always do. Despite the King's firm resolution, he shows a weak-kneed attitude acquiescing in Kim Ja Jeom (Jo Min Ki)'s opinion that he needs to tighten security in the capital. 

Splendid Politics Hwajung episode episode 38 review recap Cha Seung Won Gwanghae Lee Yeon Hee Jungmyung Seo Kang Joon Hong Joo Won Kang In Woo Han Joo Wan Yi Ja kyung Gong Myeong Kang Joo Sun Jo Sung Ha Hawgidogam Queen Inmok Shin Eun Jung Injo Prince Neungyang Kim Jae Won Jo Yeo Jung Kim Min Seo Kim Ja Jeom Jo Min Ki Choi Myeong Gil Im Ho Eun Seul Hyun Seung Min Yi Won Ik Kim Chang Wan
Jeongmyeong criticizes the selfish man for not strengthening the defenses of frontiers to invasion by Qing before she leaves the palace as a married woman of the royal family and advises him to keep in mind that he is not master of the country.  

A lot of anti-fans of Lee Yeon Hee says that her acting is lacking and it's hard to enjoy the historical drama because of her although it is quite interesting. 

I know her performance isn't top-notch yet due to awkward facial expressions, especially when she is in sorrow and a simple tone of voice. Obviously, she is pretty but not a gifted actress, however, as I see, she is growing step by step as a real performer. 

I want to say to all the anti-fans of her.
Judge thyself with the judgment of sincerity, and thou will judge others with the judgment of charity. (John Mitchell Mason)


  1. "Judge thyself with the judgment of sincerity, and thou will judge others with the judgment of charity."

    Is she the only actress around? No. Are there better actresses? Yes. She's getting paid so much, it's her responsibility to do her job. If you buy a car with faulty wheels, are you going to judge the car makers with charity? You're going to demand a replacement, since it isn't up to task. Same thing with Lee Yeon Hee. She's not up to task.

    It's not the same as that McDonald worker who won't smile or the stupid kid who bumped into you without apologizing. If you're given much, more is expected of you. Actors who are paid a lot, company heads who are paid a lot, government officials who are paid a lot. More is expected of you.

    1. I partially agree with your view and I know her performance isn't natural yet.
      I just wanna say that she needs time to be better because, I think, Lee is on the way to being not a just pretty charming lady but a real actress. I'm sure that there is something attractive about her and that is one of the most important things for stars or celebrities.
