Ji Sung as Jang Jae-kyung, a detective of the Narcotics Team at Anhyeon Police Station
Jeon Mi-do as Oh Yun-jin, a social affairs reporter of the Anhyeon Economic Daily
Kwon Yul as Park Tae-jin, a prosecutor at Ahn Hyun District Office
Kim Kyung-nam as Won Jong-soo, Geumhyeong Group's successor
Yoon Na-moo as Park Jun-seo, the central figure in the incident
Jung Yoo-min as Choi Ji-yeon, Jun-seo's wife
Jung Jae-kwang as Kim Chang-soo, Jae-kyung's teammate
Cha Yup as Oh Chi-hyun, Jong-soo's chief secretary
Jeong Soon-won as Heo Joo-song, CEO of Two Star Holdings, an insurance company
Park Geun-rok as Jung Sang-ui, a researcher at Geumhyeong Pharmaceutical
Jeong Yun-ho kills the mill owner, and Jae-kyung quickly deduces from the surrounding circumstances that the culprit had hidden in a taxi. However, he doesn't realize that the taxi driver is Yun-ho, his high school friend.
Yun-ho boasts to Chi-hyun that he destroyed the CCTV footage. Still, Chi-hyun beats him up, questioning why he killed the mill owner when simply erasing the footage would have sufficed. Yun-ho, unaware that the mill owner handed a USB to Jae-kyung just before dying, assures Chi-hyun that Jae-kyung wouldn't have seen the CCTV footage. The CCTV had captured the "Inner Circle" friends passing by on the day Jun-seo died.
Detective Inspector Yoo Kyung-hwan from the Violent Crimes Unit at Anhyeon Police Station reports the case details to Prosecutor Park Tae-jin. Tae-jin asks his friend Chi-hyun if he knows anything about the case, but Chi-hyun feigns ignorance.
Jae-kyung, Joo-song, and Yun-jin track down the address of the company Audiophile. Instead of finding an office, they arrive at a shabby house where Min Hyun-woo, a high school student, is waiting for them. Hyun-woo lives with his grandmother and mentions that they received a lot of help from Jun-seo.
Jae-kyung goes to Jun-seo's house, where Jun-seo's wife, Ji-yeon, helps him check the videos on Jun-seo's laptop. As he's about to leave, he encounters Tae-jin entering the house by punching in the password as if it were his own home.
Thus ends episode 5 of “Connection.“