I really really really like Kim Je Dong and Yoo Jae Suk.
Interestingly, the two celebrities are very close friends. :)
Yesterday the host of
Healing Camp, Aren't You Happy Kim Je Dong gave a solo(?) healing concert for five hundred special guests and a lot of audiences at home.
Why I like him a lot?
Because he is an excellent listener.
He helps people find a sense of relief with empathy and a joke.
He makes people solve their problems by themselves.
People needed a shoulder to cry on talked about their worries and troublesome problem. Sometimes we combat the problems just talking to someone we rely on.
Kim Je Dong said, "Do you think Yoo Jae Suk very nice person, right?"
Yoo got to pick out Kim's nickname as "Deungsin." lol
It is the abbreviation for "Sin of Deung" in Korean.
Deungsin means a blockhead of a fool. Yoo made the nice(?) nickname because Kim just exercises for his back in the gym. lol
They go to the gym five days a week. Wow~
Another Yoo Jae Suk's episode :)
When He went to Brazil for work, Yoo called him and said, "I used your house for
Infinite Challenge shooting. We made a mess in the house and you need to clean up."
Kim asked him, "How did you guys get in?"
And he answered, "I already know the password." lol
Actress Son Ye Jin visited his house when
Infinite Challenge was filmed and left kiss mark on his mirror for a gift. He mentioned it saying, "Do you think I like it? No, it was really scary at night and I tried to remove it but I failed. Finally, I threw it away."
Muhan Dojeon Members and Guests in Kim's House |
A 19-year-old high school girl said that she wants to get married to Kim Je Dong who 23 years older than him and her mother is a big fan of him, too.
Kim said, "I'm not funny in daily life. And I have an old mother, five sisters, nine nieces and nephews, and their 4 sons and daughters. You will be a grandmother if you get married to me." lol
Kim showed his power making
Healing Camp on the top-rated TV program at the same time. Yeah~ :)