【QUESTION NO.6】 Move three matchsticks make an equation. (The big caveat to reiterate is that the equal sign cannot be moved.)
【QUESTION NO.7】 Hyun-moo watched strange four characters in a rural village. What is it?
【QUESTION NO.8】 What is an alphabet letter in this series?
【QUESTION NO.9】 There are a man and a woman who are in love with each other. One day he left her. What did he leave behind?
【QUESTION NO.10】 A genius pianist K lost his life leaving a message 'Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do'. Who is the suspect?
① Han Ki-Woong (32 years old): He gave a case against the pianist due to a traffic accident
② Oh Sang-Joon (43): Revenues have fallen since K spread false rumors about his cafe.
③ Jang Yeong-hoon (27): Jang, a friend of the genius, had a big fight over the name of his dog while drinking with him last night.
④ Bae Sang-Hyun (56): He quarreled with the musician for noise between floors.
【QUESTION NO.11】 A prison officer let seven prisoners guess the color of their hat of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The seven people can see the color of hats except themselves and the colors can be different or same. They can be released from prison if one of the prisoners gets the answer right. What should they do? (The big caveat to reiterate is that the seven convicts have a chance to discuss a matter only once and they cannot hear answers of other people.)
【QUESTION NO.12】 The woman you love got lost in heart-shaped space in a maze. Rescue the lady. (The big caveat to reiterate is that you can move the heart only one space out of the boundary line to go through the labyrinth and you can move it up, down, right, left, or diagonal side as much as the number of the puzzle and you cannot change your direction on the move.)
It's important to study every day. Right? :)
※ '日' means day in Chinese.
【ANSWER NO.7】 W.C (Water Closet)
'時有不多' is pronounced 'daboolryussi' in Korean from right to left.
It's kind of a nonsense quiz.😃
The first letter of members' initials
Tyler Rasch - Lee Jang-won - Ha Seok-jin - Jun Hyun-moo - Kim Ju-seok - Park Kyung
The first letter of members' initials
Tyler Rasch - Lee Jang-won - Ha Seok-jin - Jun Hyun-moo - Kim Ju-seok - Park Kyung
Another good answer ~
【ANSWER NO.10】 ③
The name of each note in the solfa system of the musical scale is pronounced gyeiruim계이름) and it sounds like 개이름(dog+name).
I did my best to understand this question but I couldn't... :(
Help me!
I did my best to understand this question but I couldn't... :(
Help me!
Jun Hyun-moo, Ha Seok-jin, Kim Ji-seok, Lee Jang-won, Tyler Rasch, and Park Kyung
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