Monday, August 5, 2024

Miss Night and Day: Episode 1 Recap


Cast of Miss Night and Day

Lee Jung-eun as Lim Soon / old Lee Mi-jin, a senior working for Seohan District Prosecutors' Office as an intern when the sun rises

Jung Eun-ji as Lee Mi-jin, a 28 years old job seeker who suddenly turned 20 years older when the sun rises

Choi Jin-hyuk as Gye Ji-woong, a workaholic prosecutor who recently transferred to Seohan District Prosecutors' Office

Baek Seo-hoo as Ko-won, a member of South Korea's top idol group, Kingland who recently conscripted in the military

Kim A-young as Do Ga-young, Mijin's best friend who is a beauty YouTuber

Yoon Byung-hee as Joo Byeong-duk

Bae Hae-sun as Na Ok-hee

Miss Night and Day: Episode 1 Recap 

Who is She...?

Lee Mi-jin (Jung Eun-ji) inadvertently confuses the announcement of interview results when another candidate with the same name also shows up. Mi-jin's parents mistakenly believe she has been accepted.

Prosecutor Gye Ji-woong (Choi Jin-hyuk), who is investigating drug cases, happens to be at the same location as Mi-jin. He manages to arrest a scammer just as Mi-jin is about to be duped. Unfortunately, he can't recover the money Mi-jin has already lost.

Although Ji-woong successfully apprehends the scammer, he feels sorry for Mi-jin. He offers her a ride to her destination.

Despite working hard, Mi-jin finds the job market insurmountable. The despair of repeated failures is something only those who have experienced it can truly understand. 

A Mysterious Cat Appears!

Mi-jin jumps into a well to rescue a cat and secretly wishes she could disappear and become someone else. Suddenly, Mi-jin's wish comes true, and she transforms into a middle-aged woman!

Waking up the next morning, Mi-jin finds herself in her fifties instead of her twenties. Her shocked parents, thinking a strange woman is in their house, call the police! Mi-jin escapes and, seeing her reflection in a car window, is horrified by her new appearance.

20s Mi-jin at Night VS 50s Lim Soon During the Day

Unsure why this is happening, Mi-jin finds herself transforming into a 50-year-old every day at sunrise. Unable to explain the situation to her family, she avoids them and struggles with her new reality.

Mi-jin, who had taken the cat to the vet, realizes that the cat might be the cause of her transformation and begins searching for it.

Ji-woong is a prosecutor known for his flawless work ethic despite his abrasive personality. As a narcotics investigator at the Seohan District Prosecutors' Office, he is a perfectionist who doesn't tolerate mistakes. Although he was a top prosecutor in Seoul, Ji-woong requested a transfer to the Seohan District Prosecutors' Office. Known for his blunt and accurate remarks during interviews and case briefings, he is professionally impeccable but exhausting to be around.

Facing sudden aging, Mi-jin seeks help from psychiatrists, plastic surgeons, and even fortune tellers, but to no avail. She spends her days avoiding her family, living in constant frustration.

Despite everything, Mi-jin refuses to give up and decides to find a job as Lim Soon. She impresses interviewers with a leg split and finally secures a job. Ironically, despite her extensive efforts in her twenties, she only manages to succeed after transforming into her older self.

Lim Soon embarks on her second life as a senior intern in the Seohan District Prosecutors' Office. Thanks to the exceptional acting of all actors, this episode was highly entertaining and enjoyable.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Queen of Tears: Episode 16 Recap

Cast of Queen of Tears

Kim Soo-hyun as Baek Hyun-woo, the legal director of Queens Group

Kim Ji-won as Hong Hae-in, the CEO of Queens Department Store

Park Sung-hoon as Yoon Eun-sung / David Yoon, a famous investor

Kwak Dong-yeon as Hong Soo-cheol, Hae-in's younger brother

Lee Joo-bin as Cheon Da-hye, Soo-cheol's wife

Kim Kap-soo as Hong Man-dae, Hae-in's grandfather

Lee Mi-sook as Moh Seul-hee, Man-dae's live-in girlfriend

Kim Jung-nan as Hong Beom-ja, Hae-in's aunt

Jang Yoon-ju as Baek Mi-seon, Hyun-woo's elder sister

Kim Joo-ryoung as Grace Ko, a private secretary of the Queens family

Kim Young-min as Young-song, a selfless person

Yoon Bo-mi as Secretary Na


Queen of Tears: Episode 16 Recap


His obsession deepens, leading him to kidnap Hae-in, who has regained her memory. Wielding a hunting rifle, he behaves erratically. Hae-in instinctively knows she needs to avoid a confrontation, so she agrees to do as he says.

To prevent Eun-sung from going on a rampage, Seul-hee tries to freeze his assets. Still, it's too late as he has already converted everything to dollars and taken it away.

Hyun-woo, who was hit by a car, worries about Hae-in. He urgently calls Grace and Yang-gi for help, asking them to do what they can. He then escapes from the hospital and heads to the Queens' hunting lodge where Hae-in is being held.

Seul-hee, who is also responsible for the death of Hae-in's brother, Su-wan, intentionally sabotaged the boat in the accident that killed him. She planned to destroy both Hae-in and Su-wan, but only Su-wan died, while Hae-in survived thanks to young Hyun-woo. Eun-sung, as a child, was aware of his mother’s crime but stayed silent to gain her affection.

Injured, Hyun-woo ventures into the lion's den to rescue Hae-in, trapped in the lodge by Eun-sung. Upon realizing this, Eun-sung searches the hunting grounds to capture Hyun-woo and Hae-in. Yang-gi, waiting outside the lodge, calls the police when Hyun-woo fails to reappear, leading them to the Queens' hunting lodge and the lodge itself.

When Hae-in refuses to choose him, Eun-sung shoots her. Hyun-woo takes the bullet to save Hae-in, and Eun-sung is ultimately killed by the police. His tragic end is the result of his twisted love.

As Hyun-woo is taken into surgery, Hae-in finally remembers the situation before her surgery and Hyun-woo’s last words.

Seul-hee recovers the dollars Eun-sung had hidden and learns of his death. Despite her son's demise, she greedily claims all his shares and even eyes the Queens' chairman position.

Hyun-woo's mother shows immense strength and compassion by comforting the distraught Hae-in even as her son’s life hangs in the balance. In a conversation with Hae-in’s mother, they confirm that Hyun-woo was the one who saved young Hae-in.

Though the surgery is successful, Hyun-woo remains unconscious for a long time, with Hae-in by his side. His recovery is aided by the prayers and support of both families. When he finally awakens, Hae-in devotes herself to his care. Now that Hyun-woo is awake, the only task left is reclaiming the Queens Group.

Seul-hee, the final villain, faces her downfall. Pretending to be a grieving mother, she is put on trial. Her psychopathic behavior becomes evident as she tries to blame her dead son for her crimes. However, the situation turns when Hae-in testifies, revealing Seul-hee's attempts to kill her and her brother during their childhood, and her attempt to poison Chairman Man-dae. With undeniable evidence, Seul-hee is arrested, and Grace and Da-hye also face justice.

Episode 16 of Queen of Tears ends on a happy note. Hae-in slowly recovers her memory, the Queens Group is restored to its rightful family, and all villains are dealt with. Hyun-woo and Hae-in have their happy ending too.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Queen of Tears: Episode 15 Recap

Cast of Queen of Tears

Kim Soo-hyun as Baek Hyun-woo, the legal director of Queens Group

Kim Ji-won as Hong Hae-in, the CEO of Queens Department Store

Park Sung-hoon as Yoon Eun-sung / David Yoon, a famous investor

Kwak Dong-yeon as Hong Soo-cheol, Hae-in's younger brother

Lee Joo-bin as Cheon Da-hye, Soo-cheol's wife

Kim Kap-soo as Hong Man-dae, Hae-in's grandfather

Lee Mi-sook as Moh Seul-hee, Man-dae's live-in girlfriend

Kim Jung-nan as Hong Beom-ja, Hae-in's aunt

Jang Yoon-ju as Baek Mi-seon, Hyun-woo's elder sister

Kim Joo-ryoung as Grace Ko, a private secretary of the Queens family

Kim Young-min as Young-song, a selfless person

Yoon Bo-mi as Secretary Na

Queen of Tears: Episode 15 Recap 

Hae-in, manipulated by Eun-sung, distances herself from her family but can't stop thinking about Baek Hyun-woo, waking up crying as she remembers his name. Unaware of Hae-in's feelings, Eun-sung starts a war with his mother, Moh Seul-hee, threatening to expose a video of her attempting to kill Chairman Hong Man-dae if she harms Hae-in again. 

Curious about Baek Hyun-woo, Hae-in visits him in prison. Hyun-woo tenderly calls her name. Surprised by his handsome appearance and his tears upon seeing her, she feels awkward.

Hyun-woo: "How are you? Did the surgery go well? Are you continuing with your treatment?"

Hae-in: "Are you worried about me right now?"

Hyun-woo: "I've been very worried. I missed you."

Hae-in: "That's funny. You must think I don't remember anything, but I only believe what I see with my own eyes."

Hyun-woo: "Then why did you come here?"

Hae-in: "Honestly, I was curious. Let's just say I came to make sure I never see you again."

Hyun-woo: "We will meet again. I'll always be by your side... I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up. I'm sorry you had to come here. I'll get out soon. I promise. Just focus on your treatment. Stay healthy, okay?" 

Despite seeking closure, Hae-in leaves with a heavy heart. Meanwhile, Hyun-woo works with others to find evidence proving his innocence in Pyun Sung-wook’s murder, eventually uncovering the true culprit, orchestrated by Eun-sung, and clearing his name. 

With his innocence confirmed, Hyun-woo applies to return to Queens Department Store, and Moh Seul-hee declares her intention to become CEO. Eun-sung, increasingly desperate, uses extreme measures to secure his shares. Hyun-woo and his family seize this opportunity to expose Eun-sung’s illegal activities and his slush fund. 

Despite vowing never to see Hyun-woo again, Hae-in finds herself continually drawn to him. Hae-in receives an invitation to an aquarium, where she finds Hyun-woo. He asks why she sent the invitation, revealing it was an event she planned before her surgery, fearing he might forget her. She intended to propose re-marriage where he originally proposed to her. 

Hae-in: "This is ridiculous. I wouldn't go this far for a man who divorced me for another woman."

Hyun-woo: "Exactly. You wouldn't do this for such a man. Which means I'm not that kind of man. You don't have to believe me, but don't trust Eun-sung either." 

Confused, Hae-in confronts Eun-sung, discovering a CCTV recording and noticing his unscarred hand, realizing she's been deceived. She also receives a burnt notebook from Germany, revealing that the person she truly loved was Baek Hyun-woo. Determined to uncover the truth, she arranges to meet Hyun-woo. However, Eun-sung, tracking her car, discovers her plan.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Queen of Tears: Episode 14 Recap

Cast of Queen of Tears

Kim Soo-hyun as Baek Hyun-woo, the legal director of Queens Group

Kim Ji-won as Hong Hae-in, the CEO of Queens Department Store

Park Sung-hoon as Yoon Eun-sung / David Yoon, a famous investor

Kwak Dong-yeon as Hong Soo-cheol, Hae-in's younger brother

Lee Joo-bin as Cheon Da-hye, Soo-cheol's wife

Kim Kap-soo as Hong Man-dae, Hae-in's grandfather

Lee Mi-sook as Moh Seul-hee, Man-dae's live-in girlfriend

Kim Jung-nan as Hong Beom-ja, Hae-in's aunt

Jang Yoon-ju as Baek Mi-seon, Hyun-woo's elder sister

Kim Joo-ryoung as Grace Ko, a private secretary of the Queens family

Kim Young-min as Young-song, a selfless person

Yoon Bo-mi as Secretary Na

Queen of Tears: Episode 14 Recap 

Crying Warning! 

Hae-in, terrified of losing her memories, refuses the surgery. She doesn't want to live if it means losing all her memories. 

Amidst this sorrow, the only romance is between Beom-ja and Young-song! Beom-ja, missing Young-song, searches for Yongdu-ri on his navigation and ends up going there! 

Da-hye, feeling guilty, tries to leave Soo-cheol’s side, but her heart wavers due to his desperate sincerity. 

The families from Yongdu-ri and Queens gather to persuade Hae-in via video call after hearing she doesn't want the surgery. Hae-in’s father tells her how Hyun-woo has been tirelessly fighting to save her, making Hae-in even sadder. 

Grace Ko calls Hyun-woo in Germany. Concerned by something Seul-hee said, she asks about Hae-in’s well-being. Hyun-woo, sensing something is wrong, rushes outside and witnesses a truck crash into a car, which bursts into flames, believing Hae-in is inside. 

Thinking Hae-in is in the burning car, Hyun-woo frantically breaks the window with his bare hands. However, Hae-in had gotten out to pick a four-leaf clover and was safe. Seeing Hyun-woo’s bloody hands and unconscious state, Hae-in decides to undergo the surgery, moved by his selfless act.

As Hae-in enters the operating room, Hyun-woo finally lets his tears flow. This was a moment where he, who always reassured Hae-in, allowed himself to break down. Truly a tear-jerking scene. 

While Hyun-woo waits outside the operating room, the police suddenly appear and arrest him as a murder suspect. Just then, Eun-sung arrives! He killed Pyun Sung-wook and ignored Seul-hee’s pleas not to leave, flying to Germany instead! 

Hae-in wakes up from surgery 

After the surgery, Hae-in wakes up to find Eun-sung has framed Hyun-woo for murder and taken his place by her side. Eun-sung deceives Hae-in, claiming that Hyun-woo betrayed her and is now a murderer. His obsessive and delusional behavior is astonishing. 

Before being anesthetized on the operating table, Hae-in whispered her husband’s name, determined not to forget him. But now, the man before her is not Hyun-woo, but the conman Eun-sung. Meanwhile, Hyun-woo, detained by the German police, feels even more frustrated thinking about Hae-in waking up without him by her side. 

Hae-in, with her memories lost, subconsciously cries when she sees the balsam-dyed nails on her fingers. Will she be able to regain her memories of Hyun-woo? When will she realize that the man before her is not her husband, Hyun-woo, but a fraud? The suspense is killing the viewers.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Queen of Tears: Episode 13 Recap


Cast of Queen of Tears

Kim Soo-hyun as Baek Hyun-woo, the legal director of Queens Group

Kim Ji-won as Hong Hae-in, the CEO of Queens Department Store

Park Sung-hoon as Yoon Eun-sung / David Yoon, a famous investor

Kwak Dong-yeon as Hong Soo-cheol, Hae-in's younger brother

Lee Joo-bin as Cheon Da-hye, Soo-cheol's wife

Kim Kap-soo as Hong Man-dae, Hae-in's grandfather

Lee Mi-sook as Moh Seul-hee, Man-dae's live-in girlfriend

Kim Jung-nan as Hong Beom-ja, Hae-in's aunt

Jang Yoon-ju as Baek Mi-seon, Hyun-woo's elder sister

Kim Joo-ryoung as Grace Ko, a private secretary of the Queens family

Kim Young-min as Young-song, a selfless person

Yoon Bo-mi as Secretary Na

Queen of Tears: Episode 13 Recap


Between the Hope of Life and the Despair of Losing Memories 

The Queens Family finally discovers the whereabouts of Chairman Hong Man-dae’s hidden slush fund, only to find that someone has taken it all. After watching all the videotapes documenting Man-dae's life, they uncover the secret of the house elevator. As expected, the person who knows where the money is and has taken it is Moh Seul-hee. She moves all the money and shows it to her son, Eun-sung.

Chairman Hong’s will expresses his hope that his descendants will learn from his mistakes and not repeat them. Hae-in feels a special kind of sorrow after hearing his final words. 

After the grandfather-in-law’s funeral, Hyun-woo receives an important call. There's a new surgical method that can treat Hae-in! However, while the surgery could save her life, it will cause her to lose all her memories. 

Knowing this, Hyun-woo and the fathers of both sides are deeply troubled but decide to keep the memory loss a secret from Hae-in to prioritize saving her life. Hae-in, overjoyed by the hope of living, sheds the tears she has been holding back. 

Wearing the ring Hyun-woo gave her, Hae-in agrees to cancel their divorce and they promise to be happy together forever. They were each other’s first loves, although they don’t know it yet. 

While taking care of Hae-in and sharing sweet moments, Hyun-woo meticulously plans his revenge against Eun-sung and Seul-hee. When Eun-sung exposes the hidden slush fund to the public, Hyun-woo starts a full-scale pursuit. 

Discovering that Hae-in is going to recover, Eun-sung's twisted obsession leads him to commit horrifying acts. He imagines living with her after the surgery. He begins clearing out the house where Hae-in and Hyun-woo lived together before their divorce. 

Hae-in’s father gifts Hyun-woo’s parents a building in Yongdu-ri. Originally, Hyun-woo’s brother ran a boxing gym there, but now it belongs to Hae-in’s parents instead of Hae-in. 

Between the Hope of Life and the Despair of Losing Memories in Germany 

Hyun-woo and Hae-in travel to Germany. There, Hyun-woo reveals to Hae-in the high possibility that she might lose her memories after the surgery. Knowing she could forget her husband, family, and everything she has achieved, Hae-in considers giving up on the surgery.

Hae-in: “If I have the surgery, I’ll lose my memories. If I don’t, I’ll die. Are you asking me to choose the lesser of two evils?”

In the epilogue of episode 13, Hyun-woo leaves a tearful video message for Hae-in. He tells her that even if she doesn’t remember him after the surgery, he will always be her husband. He assures her that no matter what, he will never leave her and asks her to accept him as her husband when she wakes up.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Queen of Tears: Episode 12 Recap

Cast of Queen of Tears

Kim Soo-hyun as Baek Hyun-woo, the legal director of Queens Group

Kim Ji-won as Hong Hae-in, the CEO of Queens Department Store

Park Sung-hoon as Yoon Eun-sung / David Yoon, a famous investor

Kwak Dong-yeon as Hong Soo-cheol, Hae-in's younger brother

Lee Joo-bin as Cheon Da-hye, Soo-cheol's wife

Kim Kap-soo as Hong Man-dae, Hae-in's grandfather

Lee Mi-sook as Moh Seul-hee, Man-dae's live-in girlfriend

Kim Jung-nan as Hong Beom-ja, Hae-in's aunt

Jang Yoon-ju as Baek Mi-seon, Hyun-woo's elder sister

Kim Joo-ryoung as Grace Ko, a private secretary of the Queens family

Kim Young-min as Young-song, a selfless person

Yoon Bo-mi as Secretary Na

Queen of Tears: Episode 12 Recap 

Where is Hong Man-dae's 900 billion won slush fund? 

Hae-in is doing everything possible to find her grandfather's slush fund with Hyun-woo. Reviewing the CCTV footage, she remembers seeing a large truck outside the Queens House when her grandfather had everyone leave, claiming he was changing the ventilation system. Could the 900 billion won slush fund be hidden in the house? 

While Hyun-woo steps away briefly, Eun-sung takes advantage and drives off with Hae-in, who mistakenly thinks he is Hyun-woo. Hyun-woo, realizing Hae-in is missing, frantically searches for her and eventually stops Eun-sung's car. 

Hae-in, now alert, notices Eun-sung, not Hyun-woo, is in the driver's seat. Afraid to admit her mistake, she reassures Hyun-woo and tells him she wants to see her grandfather, following Eun-sung for now. 

Eun-sung keeps stalling with various demands like eating and drinking wine, but Hae-in insists on seeing her grandfather Hong Man-dae first. She finally meets him and rushes through the garden, searching for the main gate. Did her grandfather reveal the whereabouts of the slush fund, or has she just forgotten where the gate is? 

Da-hye, who fled leaving Soo-cheol behind, is worried when her son Gun-woo's biological father shows up and tells her Soo-cheol will be arrested. Meanwhile, Hyun-woo gets kidnapped by Pyun Sung-wook and is trapped in his car, facing death. Pyun, who is persuaded by Hyun-woo, demands money from Eun-sung for handling Hyun-woo on the phone, but Eun-sung tells him to wait. Hyun-woo, using his legal knowledge, convinces Pyun to let him go. 

Hyun-woo quickly contacts Grace Ko, who helps him obtain a card key for the Queens House, where he finds Hae-in wandering in the garden and takes her away. It’s too late to go to Yongdu-ri, so Hyun-woo takes Hae-in to his small house where they end up spending a cozy, almost newlywed-like night together. 

Eun-sung, devastated after losing Hae-in to Hyun-woo, decides to use Grace, who has connections with them, to search for the slush fund in earnest. Who will find Hong Man-dae’s slush fund first? 

Hae-in: “I followed thinking it was you. This is how messed up I am” Confused and unable to recognize people, Hae-in can’t comfortably accept the ring Hyun-woo proposes again. 

As Geon-woo’s biological father continues to assault and extort money, Da-hye flees to Yongdu-ri with her child to find Soo-cheol. She promises to return everything except the flight and hotel expenses, but the betrayed in-laws are not easily forgiving. However, Soo-cheol, having missed Geon-woo and Da-hye, warmly welcomes her back. 

Hong Man-dae, who has regained his memory, secretly collects the pills Seul-hee, but she discovers this.

Chairman Hong Man-dae's move to revoke Moh Seul-hee's authority! 

Man-dae decides to strip Seul-hee of her power. Believing he is being punished for trusting Seul-hee more than his family, he records a message on Hae-in’s pen and throws himself down the stairs, taking his own life. With his death, Seul-hee's control over Queens Group is naturally revoked, and the whereabouts of the slush fund become even more uncertain. The Queens family members can now return to their original home. 

On the day of the grandfather’s funeral, the entire family discovers a secret space in the Queens House revealed by Hyun-woo. They are shocked by what they find. Could it be the 900 billion won slush fund left by Man-dae Hong?

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Queen of Tears: Episode 11 Recap

Cast of Queen of Tears

Kim Soo-hyun as Baek Hyun-woo, the legal director of Queens Group

Kim Ji-won as Hong Hae-in, the CEO of Queens Department Store

Park Sung-hoon as Yoon Eun-sung / David Yoon, a famous investor

Kwak Dong-yeon as Hong Soo-cheol, Hae-in's younger brother

Lee Joo-bin as Cheon Da-hye, Soo-cheol's wife

Kim Kap-soo as Hong Man-dae, Hae-in's grandfather

Lee Mi-sook as Moh Seul-hee, Man-dae's live-in girlfriend

Kim Jung-nan as Hong Beom-ja, Hae-in's aunt

Jang Yoon-ju as Baek Mi-seon, Hyun-woo's elder sister

Kim Joo-ryoung as Grace Ko, a private secretary of the Queens family

Kim Young-min as Young-song, a selfless person

Yoon Bo-mi as Secretary Na

Queen of Tears: Episode 11 Recap 

Finding Chairman Hong’s Slush Fund! And Hong Man-dae Wakes Up

Hae-in reveals in front of many people that she has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Right after spotting her husband Hyun-woo, she collapses and is rushed to the hospital. Her family is shocked to learn about her illness and that she doesn’t have much time left. 

Chairman Hong Wakes Up but Has No MemoryOr Is He Faking It?

Chairman Hong doesn’t recognize Seul-hee, who tried to kill him, and he seems to have blurred vision, acting unusually. Can Hyun-woo and Hae-in find Chairman Hong’s slush fund before Seul-hee and her son Eun-sung? 

Meanwhile, Hae-in’s family learns her exact diagnosis and that there is no treatment available in the country. Her mother blames Hyun-woo for not informing them. They are devastated to find out that they were unaware of Hae-in’s terminal condition. Hae-in’s mother regrets everything she has done to Hae-in up to this point. She has a heartfelt conversation with her daughter and sincerely apologizes. 

Scandal with Ex-Husband!

Although divorced, Hae-in and Hyun-woo confirm their feelings for each other and behave affectionately at the hospital, ignoring others' opinions. Hae-in warns Eun-sung, who resents her for never acknowledging him. Eun-sung tells Hyun-woo, “If you stay away from Hae-in, I’ll give you anything you want. Just come to me instead!” 

Hyun-woo is tracking down Chairman Hong’s slush fund and shares this with Hae-in. With the help of people who have been with the Queens Group and watched it grow, Hyun-woo aims to prevent the villainous mother and son from finding the slush fund. He stays close to Eun-sung intentionally, frustrating him. Eun-sung eventually tells Pyun Sung-wook, the head of a real estate agency, to deal with Hyun-woo. 

Hae-in and Hyun-woo, with the help of an office cleaner, juice delivery person, and Secretary Na (Yoon Bo-mi) in Queens Group, manage to collect shredded documents. They piece them together in Yongdu-ri and succeed in obtaining important documents.

Finding Chairman Hong’s 900 Billion Won Slush Fund!

Grace, who had been switching sides, finally aligns with the Queens Group and provides crucial information: Chairman Hong’s slush fund is somewhere in cash. The family learns about this and visits a promising location but returns empty-handed. Afterward, Hae-in encounters a dangerous situation! 


Hae-in and Hyun-woo are threatened by someone chasing their car on the road. The person who gets out of the car that had been desperately following them is Hyun-woo?! So who is driving the car Hae-in is in?

The driver next to Hae-in is not Hyun-woo but Eun-sung. Due to her worsening memory from the illness, Hae-in mistakenly thought Eun-sung was Hyun-woo and got into his car. Hyun-woo, pursuing Eun-sung’s car, finally stops it and shouts Hae-in’s name loudly.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Queen of Tears: Episode 10 Recap

Cast of Queen of Tears

Kim Soo-hyun as Baek Hyun-woo, the legal director of Queens Group

Kim Ji-won as Hong Hae-in, the CEO of Queens Department Store

Park Sung-hoon as Yoon Eun-sung / David Yoon, a famous investor

Kwak Dong-yeon as Hong Soo-cheol, Hae-in's younger brother

Lee Joo-bin as Cheon Da-hye, Soo-cheol's wife

Kim Kap-soo as Hong Man-dae, Hae-in's grandfather

Lee Mi-sook as Moh Seul-hee, Man-dae's live-in girlfriend

Kim Jung-nan as Hong Beom-ja, Hae-in's aunt

Jang Yoon-ju as Baek Mi-seon, Hyun-woo's elder sister

Kim Joo-ryoung as Grace Ko, a private secretary of the Queens family

Kim Young-min as Young-song, a selfless person

Queen of Tears: Episode 10 Recap


A Chaotic and Wise Life in Yongdu-ri 

What an incredible character! Hyun-woo is handsome, a great fighter, a former chaebol son-in-law, and a lawyer, lol. He used to box and managed to single-handedly take down Pyun Sung-wook, the head of a real estate agency, along with his gang, handing them over to the police. 

Despite emerging victorious from the scuffle, Hyun-woo needs nursing a few injuries. Hae-in, concerned about his well-being and the potential for future harm, insisted on inspecting his wounds. The intimate nature of their interaction, despite their three-year separation, sparked a rekindling of their romantic feelings. Hyun-woo's reluctance to leave for work, stemming from their newfound closeness, becomes a cause for concern, adding a touch of lighthearted humor to the situation. 

They start to appreciate each other more than they did before. Had they been more understanding and compromising, they wouldn't have had to go through this separation. While staying in Yongdu-ri, they feel the warmth of the community and confirm their feelings for each other. 

Hyun-woo is upset about a sudden job transfer. He confronts Eun-sung, who issued the order and tells him about handing Pyun Sung-wook over to the police, trying to provoke him. 

Amidst the tranquil haven of Yongdu-ri, Young-song (Kim Young-min) leads a quiet life, diligently caring for his ailing mother with dementia. While maintaining a close friendship with Hyun-woo's family, his gentle demeanor and compassionate nature have caught the eye of Hae-in's aunt, Beom-ja. Beom-ja, often remarking on Young-song's uncanny resemblance to the legendary Hong Kong singer Leslie Cheung, can't help but wonder if love is finally in the cards for this kind-hearted soul. 

Hyun-woo and his best friend, a lawyer named Yang-gi, meet Grace Ko, the private secretary of the Queens family and the queen of gossip. They expose her shady dealings, including running 13 aesthetic franchises without proper registration and committing tax evasion, and threaten her with this information.

Beom-ja is a total boss! She smashes Grace's arrogance, making everyone feel triumphant and relieved. Grace is left speechless when Beom-ja appears and starts interrogating her about Eun-sung. Whether Seul-hee or Beom-ja finds the chairman first depends on Grace. 

What's happening to the Queens Group lady?

Hae-in’s mother can't afford coffee until Hae-in’s mother-in-law coolly pays for it and then tells her to work at the orchard to repay her, lol. 

The vice-chairman of Queens Group drinks ramen broth in one go, lol. Knowing the taste of ramen with soju or makgeolli could be dangerous! :) 

Hyun-woo tells his mother about Hae-in's illness and asks her to take care of her. His kind-hearted mother, overwhelmed with sorrow, bursts into tears and scolds Hyun-woo for letting it come to this. Now, Beom-ja, Hyun-woo's mother, and Hyun-woo are the ones who know about Hae-in's illness. 

Hae-in’s younger brother, Soo-cheol, discovers that his runaway wife Da-hye has logged into their shared game account. He messages her in the game to remind her about their son’s vaccination, giving the feeling that Da-hye might come back because of Soo-cheol’s kind heart. 

The return of the Queen of Queens, Hae-in! 

Hae-in seems determined about something big. As soon as she arrives at Queens Group, she meets Eun-sung. Hae-in declares that she will handle her problems herself, choosing to stand by Eun-sung’s side. 

Eun-sung gathers many reporters for an important announcement. He declares his intention to reinstate Hae-in as the representative of Queens Department Store.

Hae-in: “I was blackmailed by Chairman Yoon. He threatened to frame my husband, Hyun-woo, the legal director, with any charges and send him to prison.”

Hae-in reveals to everyone why she cannot return to Queens Group. She discloses her illness, which she had kept hidden from her family, and announces that she has only a short time left to live.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Queen of Tears: Episode 9 Recap

Cast of Queen of Tears

Kim Soo-hyun as Baek Hyun-woo, the legal director of Queens Group

Kim Ji-won as Hong Hae-in, the CEO of Queens Department Store

Park Sung-hoon as Yoon Eun-sung / David Yoon, a famous investor

Kwak Dong-yeon as Hong Soo-cheol, Hae-in's younger brother

Lee Joo-bin as Cheon Da-hye, Soo-cheol's wife

Kim Kap-soo as Hong Man-dae, Hae-in's grandfather

Lee Mi-sook as Moh Seul-hee, Man-dae's live-in girlfriend

Kim Jung-nan as Hong Beom-ja, Hae-in's aunt

Jang Yoon-ju as Baek Mi-seon, Hyun-woo's elder sister

Kim Joo-ryoung as Grace Ko, a private secretary of the Queens family

Queen of Tears: Episode 9 Recap 

The Queens Group Family Experiences Yongdu-ri

Grace Ko, a private secretary of the Queens family, who knows too much about the family's secrets, and Seul-hee, who has been with the family for 25 years, have turned their backs on the Queens Group, causing the family to be kicked out of both the company and their home, leaving them penniless. 

Hyun-woo takes his ex-wife's family to the Yongdu-ri house where his parents live. Hae-in's parents, who were always arrogant and looked down on others, are now forced to live with Hyun-woo's family in the small village, creating a chaotic situation. 

Just a short while ago, Hae-in's mother, who had treated Hyun-woo's mother with such disdain, is now experiencing the harsh realities of life in Yongdu-ri, starting with stepping in cow dung. Hyun-woo has no choice but to leave his sick ex-wife, Hae-in, at his family's home although they are divorced and he is not considered a son-in-law anymore. 

Trying to be a little less unhappy today 

Hae-in's mother is uncomfortable seeing Hyun-woo's mother, who she had treated so rudely. However, she has no choice but to eat the plain food provided, as they have nowhere else to go. Hae-in's father, who is used to fine dining, is surprised that the country food is quite delicious. 

Hyun-woo's sister and brother want Hyun-woo to get back together with Hae-in, and they are angry at Hae-in's apathetic attitude. Hae-in's younger brother Soo-cheol still can't believe his wife Da-hye and son have run away. However, he reads a letter left by his wife that reveals the truth about everything and how she has been living a lie all this time. He breaks down in tears in front of his older sister Hae-in. 

Seul-hee and Eun-sung take over the Queens Group

Enraged by Seul-hee's attitude of abandoning him as a child and choosing the Queens Group, and now claiming that she made that choice to give the Queens Group to her son, Eun-sung sets out to find Hae-in, who has been kicked out of the house. 

Hae-in discovers that an MP3 player she found on a high school sports field as a child belonged to her. This reveals that they had a connection even in their school days, without even knowing it. 

Worried about Hae-in's health, Hyun-woo checks on her before work. He leaves for the company, which is now without his in-laws. It seems that there will be a major restructuring at Queens Group now that Eun-sung is the chairman. Hyun-woo tries to keep Eun-sung by his side as much as possible and asks him for a month to find another job before he is fired. Hyun-woo is the only one who can legally prove the investment fraud that allowed Eun-sung to take over Queens. 

Meanwhile, Eun-sung is shocked to learn that Hae-in has only three months to live. Hae-in collapses unconscious near the Yongdu-ri house, and the whole family is worried. However, Hae-in's mother is the only one who doesn't care whether her daughter is sick! Seeing this, her aunt Beom-ja quietly calls her sister-in-law and asks her to be kind to Hae-in. 

Eun-sung appears in front of Hae-in in Yongdu-ri! 

With Eun-sung's arrival in Yongdu-ri, the people of the Queens Group are forced to rely on Hyun-woo, whom they have always ignored. Even though the couple is divorced, Hyun-woo seems to be the only hero who can save this family because he still loves Hae-in.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Queen of Tears: Episode 8 Recap

Cast of Queen of Tears

Kim Soo-hyun as Baek Hyun-woo, the legal director of Queens Group

Kim Ji-won as Hong Hae-in, the CEO of Queens Department Store

Park Sung-hoon as Yoon Eun-sung / David Yoon, a famous investor

Kwak Dong-yeon as Hong Soo-cheol, Hae-in's younger brother

Lee Joo-bin as Cheon Da-hye, Soo-cheol's wife

Kim Kap-soo as Hong Man-dae, Hae-in's grandfather

Lee Mi-sook as Moh Seul-hee, Man-dae's live-in girlfriend

Kim Jung-nan as Hong Beom-ja, Hae-in's aunt

Jang Yoon-ju as Baek Mi-seon, Hyun-woo's elder sister

Kim Joo-ryoung as Grace Ko, a private secretary of the Queens family

Queen of Tears: Episode 8 Recap 

Hae-in finally regains her memories. Despite her worsening illness that causes her memory to fade, she intentionally triggers her memories and declares a divorce to Hyun-woo. 

Vincenzo, a Mafia consigliere, appears as her divorce lawyer! 

Vincenzo, Hae-in's divorce lawyer, doesn't negotiate with words! He is a consigliere (Song Joong-ki) who believes in "punishing evil with evil" and acts accordingly. The appearance of Song Joong-ki is a completely unexpected turn of events, and it shows the power of the writer! 

Hae-in pushes for a divorce even more strongly. Vincenzo tries his best to minimize any damage to Hae-in. He pushes for an amicable divorce citing their different personalities and growing distance as reasons for the separation. 

In the process of investigating Hyun-woo, Hae-in finds out about the noodle restaurant he often visits and goes there to. Coincidentally, she ends up in the same space as Hyun-woo and hears his sincere feelings. 

Eun-sung, always trying to take Hae-in's place, finds it difficult and constantly fails. Meanwhile, the Queens Continental City Resort project, led by Hae-in's younger brother Soo-cheol, faces significant issues, throwing the entire Queens Group into chaos. 

Hyun-woo, whose trust was broken by the wiretapping incident, tells Man-dae, Hae-in's grandfather, that Eun-sung is dangerous and tries to stop the contract. However, Chairman Man-dae distrusts Hyun-woo and joins hands with Eun-sung. 

Those who learn about Eun-sung's secret join forces to confront him! 

Hyun-woo and Beom-ja, who learned about the Hope Nursery Home, start to work together in earnest to dig into the past of Eun-sung and Moh Seul-hee. What have they been up to, living as someone else's identity for decades? And since Seul-hee's son is Eun-sung, it's even more serious, so Beom-ja and Hyun-woo move quickly to protect the Queens Group. 

The DNA test results for Seul-hee and the new President Eun-sung come out, and it is confirmed that they are mother and son with a probability of over 99%. Eun-sung is shocked to learn from Hyun-woo that he has been gradually collecting Chairman Hong's shares. 

Seul-hee finally reveals her true identity! 

She was the boss villain. While playing Korean chess with his live-in girlfriend, as usual, Chairman Hong has trouble breathing... "Please lie down like a corpse and die. You can do that for me, right?" Seul-hee tells the chairman. The acting is creepy! She puts something on a Korean chess piece that causes him to become paralyzed. Chairman Hong loses consciousness and collapses eventually. 

With Seul-hee becoming Chairman Hong's legal guardian and based on the notarized document signed by Man-dae giving her proxy voting rights, Seul-hee takes over Queens Group. All of the Queens Group family members were stripped of their management rights, and the Queens Group passed to the mother-son duo of Eun-sung and Seul-hee. 

The Queens family members are all in Yongdu-ri...? 

The Queens' owner family, treated so disdainfully because their house was in the countryside, are now exiles. The ruined owner's family has arrived in Yongdu-ri!

Friday, July 19, 2024

Queen of Tears: Episode 7 Recap


Cast of Queen of Tears

Kim Soo-hyun as Baek Hyun-woo, the legal director of Queens Group

Kim Ji-won as Hong Hae-in, the CEO of Queens Department Store

Park Sung-hoon as Yoon Eun-sung / David Yoon, a famous investor

Kwak Dong-yeon as Hong Soo-cheol, Hae-in's younger brother

Lee Joo-bin as Cheon Da-hye, Soo-cheol's wife

Kim Kap-soo as Hong Man-dae, Hae-in's grandfather

Lee Mi-sook as Moh Seul-hee, Man-dae's live-in girlfriend

Kim Jung-nan as Hong Beom-ja, Hae-in's aunt

Jang Yoon-ju as Baek Mi-seon, Hyun-woo's elder sister

Kim Joo-ryoung as Grace Ko, a private secretary of the Queens family

Queen of Tears: Episode 7 Recap

Eun-sung, the Villain's Son

Eun-sung and his gang's plans are going smoothly, but Hyun-woo senses something suspicious and starts to fight back. In addition, this episode reveals that Eun-sung is the son of Moh Seul-hee, making the mother-son villain duo a major axis of the drama. 

Hae-in is deeply shocked to learn that Hyun-woo is preparing for a divorce. It is even more shocking to her that he decided to divorce on the day she found out she didn't have long to live. Disappointed, Hae-in ignores Hyun-woo's attempts to comfort her by reminding her of their honeymoon. 

Hae-in undergoes tests at a famous cancer center in Germany, but the results are not encouraging. The doctor explains that while they can raise her white blood cell count, fighting an incurable disease requires the patient's will. Hyun-woo, in an attempt to motivate Hae-in, deliberately changes his approach.

Hyun-woo: "If I just sat back and did nothing, I could be the son-in-law of a chaebol family! So why did I do this? It's because you were scared! I'll keep catering to your every whim, so can you at least change your will a little?" 

Villain Eun-sung's Plan

The contract for the Queens Continental City Resort is being handled jointly by Eun-sung and Su-cheol, Hae-in's younger brother. Eun-sung plans to leak to investors that the resort construction site is subject to height restrictions, which will limit permits. This will cause the investment company and the brokerage firm that provided the loan to demand early repayment. At that time, Eun-sung plans to step in and offer additional support. Once the embezzlement of Queens Chairman Hong Man-dae is exposed, the entire owner's family will go to jail. And Eun-sung plans to become the largest shareholder of Queens by securing its stocks and shares. 

The Queen's family is turned upside down when they learn that Hyun-woo has installed eavesdropping equipment in Chairman Man-dae's room and is preparing for a divorce from Hae-in. And could it be that Seul-hee's son is Eun-sung? Beom-ja hides that she knows something and tries to find out more about Man-dae's live-in girlfriend Seul-hee. 

As everyone expected, Eun-sung is Seul-hee's son. When Beom-ja hires a private investigator, she discovers that Seul-hee had been living under a different name and had a son, Eun-sung, while she was in prison. 

This mother-son duo is trying to bring down the Queens family in different ways. As expected, actress Lee Mi-sook, who has played many villain roles, is the boss-level villain. 

Seul-hee, who has been attached to the Queens family for about 30 years and has been thoroughly preparing, and her son Eun-sung, who is also trying to bring down the Queens in another way... Can Hyun-woo handle these mother-son villains alone? 

Everyone is suspicious of Hyun-woo, and even Hae-in and her father start investigating his finances and who he meets. However, they are shaken by Hyun-woo's appearance of using only car wash fees, the only person who doesn't show any dirt even if you shake him. 

Hae-in's illness becomes more serious and she even forgets that she fought with Hyun-woo. Hae-in's appearance changes drastically day and night, and Hyun-woo is deeply shocked and bursts into tears. Hae-in confesses her love, "I love you Baek Hyun-woo."

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Queen of Tears: Episode 6 Recap

Cast of Queen of Tears

Kim Soo-hyun as Baek Hyun-woo, the legal director of Queens Group

Kim Ji-won as Hong Hae-in, the CEO of Queens Department Store

Park Sung-hoon as Yoon Eun-sung / David Yoon, a famous investor

Kwak Dong-yeon as Hong Soo-cheol, Hae-in's younger brother

Lee Joo-bin as Cheon Da-hye, Soo-cheol's wife

Kim Kap-soo as Hong Man-dae, Hae-in's grandfather

Lee Mi-sook as Moh Seul-hee, Man-dae's live-in girlfriend

Kim Jung-nan as Hong Beom-ja, Hae-in's aunt

Jang Yoon-ju as Baek Mi-seon, Hyun-woo's elder sister

Kim Joo-ryoung as Grace Ko, a private secretary of the Queens family

Queen of Tears: Episode 6 Recap 

Beom-ja finally uncovers Seul-hee's true identity! 

The true identity of Queens Group's daughter-in-law Da-hye, Soo-cheol's wife, has been revealed. It turns out that she has been working with Eun-sung all along, and Eun-sung has begun to dig deep into the residence of the Queens Group owners with Da-hye's guidance. And guess what? Soo-cheol and Da-hye's son might not even be Soo-cheol's son! 

Hae-in, who has never eaten a cup of ramen, asks for one and pours boiling water over it. While waiting for the ramen to cook for 3 minutes, she tells Hyun-woo her will. Hae-in confesses that she had written a will before her marriage, under pressure from her mother, stating that her husband would not receive a penny. She says that she will change the will. 

Beom-ja, the only one in the family who knows about Hae-in's illness, is unable to tell the family about her niece's illness because Hae-in asked her to keep it a secret. She even tries to take away the extremely precious wild ginseng that Hae-in's mother is trying to feed to her son Soo-cheol to give it to Hae-in.

Hyun-woo tells Hae-in that he wants to sleep with her from now on, and Hae-in shyly says "Call". The two, once enemies, have become a real married couple who share a bed. 

Hyun-woo sees the director of the German cancer center that Hae-in had visited. The director had previously hurt Hae-in deeply by telling her it was pointless to apply for a grant before even trying. Hyun-woo shows him the true face of a relentless lawyer! This scene reveals Hyun-woo's true feelingssomeone who had only wished for his wife's death and desperately wanted a divorce. He is now determined to save his wife Hae-in by any means necessary.

Tourists are flocking to Yongdu-ri, excited to visit the places Hae-in visited! They are eating at the restaurant she went to and taking pictures with the puppy she hugged, making Hae-in a complete celebrity. As a result, Hyun-woo's family proudly walks around Yongdu-ri with their heads held high. 

Hae-in, who has learned about her illness, starts to believe in ridiculous four-leaf clovers and even buys them, to her surprise. 

Thanks to Hyun-woo, Hae-in gets a chance to be examined. While following a nurse, she sees a vision of her deceased older brother as a child and unconsciously follows it. Hyun-woo, shocked to hear that Hae-in has followed the nurse outside, frantically searches the hospital grounds. Fortunately, Hae-in, who has not lost her composure, comes back to find him. 

Hae-in says she saw her older brother. She was 9 years old when they went on a boat trip together and there was an unexplained accident. Her brother saved her and died in a heartbreaking accident. Since that day, her mother has hated her because she thought her son died because of Hae-in. 

Hae-in, who has hallucinations of her older brother's childhood due to her delirium, has lived her whole life in guilt because she thought she was the reason her older brother died. Hyun-woo, who is heartbroken for Hae-in, comforts her. 

Eun-sung, Da-hye, and even Grace Ko have teamed up to bring down Queens. They install CCTV and eavesdropping devices in the Queens Group house. When caught with the eavesdropping devices, they immediately turn the tables on Hyun-woo. 

Hae-in's mother calls Hae-in in Germany and tells her that a listening device was found in Chairman Man-dae's room and that the culprit is Hyun-woo... Hae-in can't believe it. But with the receiver already found in Hyun-woo's room, Hae-in's mind is in turmoil. 

The identity of Seul-hee, who was once arrested for adultery! 

Beom-ja asked an employee of a private detective agency she knew well to investigate Seul-hee's background. The real name of the current Seul-hee is 'Oh Soon-young'. Is Oh Soon-young, who is supposed to have died 30 years ago, the current Seul-hee? Oh Soon-young was arrested for adultery 3 years before her death report and gave birth to a child in prison. Then who is that child, and who is the real Seul-hee with Seul-hee's name? 

Hyun-woo buys all the four-leaf clovers and gives them to Hae-in, who needs a lot of luck. Hyun-woo finally finds the lock put on her honeymoon 3 years ago. 

Hyun-woo, who was thinking of getting a divorce, is finally caught by Hae-in! 

Chairman Man-dae, furious about the eavesdropping device, searches Hyun-woo's room where the receiver was found and eventually opens the safe. There, he sees the divorce papers! Hae-in's mother takes a picture of the divorce papers and sends it to Hae-in... "Say no! Say you don't know!" Hae-in shouts at Hyun-woo. 

But Hyun-woo can't lie, and since it's true that he has indeed made up his mind, he admits it. Another crisis for the two! Hyun-woo has been trying to keep Hae-in from knowing about considering a divorce... But while they are in Germany, the unexpected discovery of the papers exposes his secret.